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Mathematics at Fairlop
At Fairlop, we aim to deliver an engaging maths curriculum which follows the requirements and expectations of the National Curriculum.

Children have access to a stimulating and exciting learning environment that takes into account different learning styles and uses appropriate resources to maximise teaching and learning. We believe in the importance of learning mathematics in a practical hands-on way. Children are encouraged to use a range of practical apparatus and models and images to develop their conceptual understanding. We believe that all children, where possible, should have access to the same curriculum content and should deepen their conceptual understanding through challenging and varied problems. We are committed to ensuring that every child has the mathematical knowledge and understanding needed to enable them to make excellent progress and leave us with secure mathematical skills.

The school follows the White Rose Maths scheme of work in line with the National Curriculum and the Early Years Framework as well as using resources from the NCETM Maths Hub for mastery maths. New concepts are introduced using a concrete, pictorial and abstract (CPA) approach. Termly assessments are carried out in years 1 to 6 using the assessment materials for each year group provided by the White Rose Maths schemes of learning. In EYFS, weekly assessments are carried out to ensure children have understood concepts taught. Year 2 and year 6 complete the national tests (SATs) in May. In years 3 to 5, children complete progress tests which inform teacher summative judgements in the summer term.

Curriculum links
Where relevant, cross-curricular links are made with other curriculum subjects. The mathematical knowledge, skills and concepts children acquire are then applied to their cross-curricular topics, allowing children to use their mathematical skills to reflect on and explore curriculum content in greater depth. 

As well as practical tasks and practice, each child has a maths book to record their work in. The books show a progression of mathematical knowledge and applying this to reasoning and problem solving. Each classroom has a working wall where mathematical vocabulary and concepts taught are displayed.