Physical Education (PE)
PE Curriculum Documents
PE Curriculum Overview
PE Intent, Implementation and Impact
Sports Premium
PE Policy

PE at Fairlop
At Fairlop Primary School, we provide a well-balanced, fun, enjoyable and inspiring PE curriculum which encourages children to become physically active, boosts their confidence and provides them with life-skills. All children at Fairlop receive a minimum of 2 hours per week quality PE using a variety of equipment and resources. They experience a broad range of sporting opportunities in which they can develop skills and excel in activities which are challenging and inclusive of all abilities. We value sporting excellence and cater for talented individuals, as well as encouraging all children to be active and make healthy choices.
We promote and encourage greater awareness of healthy activities amongst pupils and their families and this has a positive impact on general well-being and academic success, providing the foundations for a healthy, active lifestyle.
There is a well-established programme of extra-curricular sporting activities provided before and after school for children from year 1 - 6. In addition, we aim to increase levels of participation of sports for children using the Sports Premium Funding. At Fairlop, we use this to augment provision for pupils across the school (see the school website for more details of annual Sports Premium spending).
We offer a variety of competitive opportunities throughout the year, both within school and against other schools. These competitions encourage children to develop values such as fairness, respect, teamwork, co-operation and self-esteem. Sport has a high profile in displays, assemblies and the general life of the school.
We aim to link exercise and diet to promote healthy lifestyles and to think continually of ways to improve the provision of health-related topics at Fairlop. We encourage children to participate fully and develop a lifelong love of physical activity, sport and exercise.
Curriculum links
Where appropriate, the PE curriculum has been planned in line with the content of other curriculum subjects for example, certain dance and gymnastic units link to the history curriculum. Within the science curriculum, children learn about a healthy lifestyle and diet, this is an area where most links are made. The knowledge learnt in the science curriculum is then consolidated and implemented throughout the PE curriculum.
Fairlop has developed a scheme of work which ensures clear progression and meets the aims of the National Curriculum. Lessons ensure children have the opportunity to practise individual skills, develop ideas, work with a partner and in small groups. These skills can then be implemented in small sided games giving the children the opportunity to face opposition and develop team work. Throughout lessons photographic evidence and videos are gathered to capture the children’s learning. Children also have the opportunity to feedback on their own work and that of others. We encourage the children to share their sporting achievements outside of school through our weekly celebration assemblies; photographs of sporting achievements are displayed in order to inspire others.