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Frequently Asked Questions

We have put together this list of frequently asked questions to help parents know a little bit more about our school. This is not an exhaustive list and I am sure that there will be further questions which may need answering. If so, please email the school office at admin.fairlop@redbridge.gov.uk and we will respond to your questions or queries as soon as possible.

You might also find this simple guide useful Getting Ready for Pre-School

  • What time does Pre-School start and finish?

    School gates open at 8.55am.
    Extended Provision (Full Time) Children - 9am-3.45pm (doors open at 3.35pm)
    Morning children – 9am-12.00 (doors open at 11.50am)
    Afternoon children – 12.45pm-3.45pm (doors open at 3.35pm)

  • Where do I drop off and collect my Pre-School child?

    Pre-School children are dropped off at the Pre-School entrance, up the slope at the far end of the playground.
    A member of staff will remain at the Pre-School entrance until 9.15am / 1.00pm.
    Pre-School children are collected from the Pre-School entrance at the end of their session.

  • What does my child have to wear to Pre-School?

    Does my child have to wear school uniform?
    We encourage our Pre-School children to wear school uniform.
    We recommend that children wear clothes which are comfortable and easily accessible for the toilet and physical activities i.e., tracksuits, leggings, shoes with velcro.
    The children will get dirty so please do-not send children into Pre-School in their best clothes!

    What is the Pre-School school uniform?
    Red polo shirts or t-shirt (NOT white)
    Red or grey jumpers/cardigans
    Grey trousers/shorts/leggings/skirts/pinafores
    Black / Grey / White / Red tights or socks
    Black school shoes/trainers - NO open-toed sandals

    Where can I buy school uniform?
    Uniform can be bought from any shop or supermarket. We have a small supply of polo shirts and t-shirts available to buy from the school office.
    If you would like to buy jumpers or cardigans with the Fairlop Primary School logo, they can be bought online from …
    or purchased at Unistat –153 High Rd Barkingside: 020 8550 2119
    You DO-NOT need to buy a logo jumper, a plain red/grey t-shirt, jumper or cardigan is perfectly acceptable.

    Does my child need a spare change of clothes?
    Yes, children should bring in a full set of spare clothes to change into.
    The spare clothes will stay in school until they are needed

    Should the spare clothes be in a special bag?
    Pre-school staff like the children to put their spare clothes into a draw string PE bag.

    Where can I buy a PE bag?
    PE bags can be purchased from the school office for £3 and they will be needed again in reception for their PE kit.

  • Does my child need any other equipment?

    Does my child need a school bag?
    Yes, as the children may have pictures and letters to bring home.
    This can be any bag i.e. a ruck sack

    Does my child need a water bottle in Pre-School?
    No, water is provided throughout the session on the snack table.

    Does my child need to bring a snack to Pre-School?
    No, a selection of fruit and vegetables are provided throughout the session on the snack table.

    Does my child need wellington boots (wellies) in school?
    Yes, they should be brought into Pre-School on your child’s first day and left in school. We will let you know if they get too small.

  • What happens before my child starts Pre-School?

    Please refer to informaiton shared at the Pre-School Welcome Meeting, emails you receive from the school and on the slides below.

  • What will the school day be like for my child?

    Will my child have a Key Person?
    Yes, each child will have their own Key Person.
    This could be the Pre-School teacher or an Early Years Educator (EYE).
    The children will be grouped into Key Person groups.
    They will either be a Caterpillar, Butterfly or a Spider.
    You can speak to your child’s Key Person briefly at the beginning and the end of the session.
    The nursery teacher has overall responsibility for all the children.

    How is the Pre-School day organised?


    Children come into Pre-School and self-register


    Carpet Time - Pre-School children are welcomed by staff, daily activities are shared and *special day child is announced


    Children are taught in small groups or individually, these are called focus activities.
    These activities include: speaking and listening, reading, writing, maths, art and design and all other areas of learning from the Development Matters curriculum.
    Children will have access to the EYFS garden and child initiated activities within the setting


    Group time – a taught session with their key person.
    Group time activities could include number work, handwriting, shape walks/games, weather walks, talking about stories, making patterns etc


    Focus Activities


    Carpet Time – Whole class session with the Pre-School Teacher.
    Carpet time activities could include storytelling, puppet work, musical instruments, role-play, singing, dancing etc



    Group Time – getting ready for lunchtime or home time
    Group Time – getting ready for home time



    Doors open for morning children collection
    Doors open for full time and afternoon children collection

    Activities are rotated to ensure that full time children do-not repeat any of the Group time or Carpet time sessions.

    What is special day?
    Special day is when a child is chosen and they get to take the register to the office, stand at the front of the line and take home Barnaby Bear. Barnaby Bear comes with a diary and the children or parents write in the diary telling the rest of the class what Barnaby did when he visited your house. Barnaby Bear and the diary then return to school the next day and the diary is read out to the class.

    What other activities will my child do during the week?
    The children will do PE in the hall, visit the library and take out a library book, visit the environmental area, ride bikes in the infant playground and visit the adventure trail.

    Will my child receive homework?
    No, we do-not set homework in the Pre-school but we would encourage parents to read a story to their child each night and talk about the characters, setting, likes and dislikes, count as you go up the stairs or up the slide, point out numbers on buses or doors as you see them, sing nursery rhymes and dance to music.
    Pre-School staff can give you lots more ideas of activities to do at home so please asked them.

  • What happens at lunch time for children who stay all day?

    When is lunchtime and how is it organised?
    Lunchtime is at 12.00 until 12.45pm.
    Children bring a packed lunch to school every day from home.
    The children eat their packed lunch in the Pre-School.
    They are supervised by a member of the Pre-School team and midday assistants.

    What happens after my child has eaten their lunch?
    The children complete an activity either outside in the EYFS garden or in the Pre-School classroom.
    They are supervised by midday assistants.

    Do parents pay for the extended supervision?
    Yes, a daily fee of applies (£3.90 in 2023-24 / £4.20 in 2024-25).

  • What does my child need to be able to do before starting school?

    Should my child be at a certain level when they come into Pre-School?
    No, there is no expectation about what you child should be able to do.
    However basic skills such as toileting and putting on coats and shoes are valuable skills to have when joining Pre-School. Our ‘Getting ready for Pre-School’ help sheet above is available in the Pre-School transition page on the school website.

    Should my child be able to use the toilet independently when they start Pre-School?
    Yes, children should be able to use the toilet by themselves unless they have a particular need.
    Pre-School staff are happy to support children in the process of being able to use the toilet by themselves.
    We would encourage all families to start the process now. Support with potty training can be found on the NHS website and on the CBeebies website.

  • What happens if my child hurts themselves or feels unwell?

    What happens if my child hurts themselves or feels unwell?

    Children are taken to welfare where a registered first aider will assess your child’s needs.
    Children with minor injuries ie, grazed knee will be treated by the first aider and given an orange or green note which will explain the injury. These notes will be placed into your child’s book bag.
    If your child suffers a minor head injury and no mark is seen, you will receive a SchoolPing message.
    Parents will be called if the first aider does-not think they are well enough to be in school and parents will be asked to collect their child ASAP. You will also be contacted if you child has amore signicant head injury or is suffering chest pains. Please ensure we have up to date contact details for you in case we need to call you in an emergency.

Pre-School Welcome