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Governing Body

The Governing Body has responsibility for the school’s general direction, including curriculum, finance, personnel, buildings, health and safety and security.  The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation and management of the school. 

Current membership

Parent Governors
Mrs Natalie Mlinar 
Mrs Paula Catlin
Mr  Rajeev Gupta (Vice Chair of Governors)
Miss Alea Begum

Co-opted Governors
Mr Simon Bennett (Chair of Governors)
Mrs Sharon McSweeney
Mr Nilesh Pandya

LA Governor
Mrs Preetpal Kainth

Staff Governor
Miss Hayley Perez

Mrs Jennifer Berriman

Governing Body Membership Information (including former governors)

Governing Body Terms of Reference
Finance, Premises & Personnel Committee Terms of Reference
Instrument of Government

Schools Financial Benchmarking Information
In the year 2023/24, we have 1 school employee with a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

Minutes of Meetings

As per Regulation 15 of 'The School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013', if you require a copy of the Governing Body agenda, signed minutes, reports or papers considered at Governing Body meetings please make a written request via the the school office - admin.fairlop@redbridge.gov.uk