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Rights Respecting Schools Award

We are a UNICEF Silver: Rights Aware, RRSA School

What does it mean to be a Rights Respecting School?
On the 20th November 1989 the world made a set of promises for every child on earth.
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an international statement of all of those promises.
UNICEF protects and promotes those rights.
Those rights try to make sure that every child is healthy, educated, treated fairly and listened to. They also make sure that all children are protected from violence, abuse and exploitation.

Our school is a Rights Respecting School
As pupils and staff we know our rights and how to respect those rights in others. We work together to make sure that every child in our school has those rights and knows how to respect the rights of others.

This means we all have a part to play and we try and work as a team to support each other.

Some of the rights we are focusing on in our school are:
* I have the right to an education (article 28).
* I have the right to relax and play (article 31).
* I have the right to clean water and nutritious food (article 24).
* I have the right to be the best that I can be (article 29)
* I have the right to give my opinion and for adults to listen to me (article 12).
* I have the right to learn how to use my rights as I grow up ( article 5)

Article of the fortnight

Citizen Awards

Pupils, staff and parents/carers can be nominated for a 'Citizen Award' which can be awarded for someone who has gone 'above and beyond' to show respect, responsibility or kindness. These awards are presented in our weekly celebration assemblies.

Parent introduction to RRSA

Talking about being a Rights Respecting Schoolhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DOPyjKSUxo&t=6s

Speak to our RRSA leads for more information about RRSA at Fairlop - Mrs Berriman, Mrs H Bailey and Miss Mayer

Unicef website - unicef.org.uk/rrsa

Summary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child